Monday, 7 December 2015

Edema atau Bengkak kaki ketika kehamilan

Yes, im one of them yang mengalami bengkak kaki ketika pregnant ni. Now dah masuk 7 months bengkak kaki tu agak obvious tapi taklah kritikal macam kaki gajah.  My feet bila bengkak akan rasa ketat semacam je. However to overcome rase kaki ketat semacam ni, I have one good tips.

Kalau ikut my online searching, babycentre akan bagi tips seperti berikut :

·  Naikkan kaki bila-bila anda boleh, untuk membantu melancarkan peredaran darah. Jika di tempat kerja, letakkan bangku kecil atau kotak di bawah meja anda. Di rumah pula, cubalah baring mengiring ke kiri, kerana ini boleh mengurangkan tekanan pada vena kava bawah.

·  Elakkan duduk atau berdiri terlalu lama tanpa berehat. Dan jangan cuba menyilang kaki semasa duduk.

·  Pakailah seluar stoking sokongan (support tights) sebelum anda bangun dari katil pada waktu pagi supaya darah tidak berpeluang berkumpul di sekeliling buku lali. Jika ini tidak berjaya, tanyalah ahli farmasi atau doktor mengenai stoking tekanan (compression stockings).

·  Bersenam selalu, terutamanya berjalan, berenang, atau dengan menggunakan basikal senaman.

·  Jika anda membuat perjalanan jauh, berhentilah dengan kerap untuk meregangkan kaki.

·  Jika kulit anda tidak terlalu tegang dan sakit, anda boleh minta seseorang untuk mengurut buku lali dan tapak kaki anda, hingga ke lutut. Ini boleh membantu mengalihkan cecair keluar daripada tapak kaki.

But for my case, I will raise my feet 90 degrees instead of above tips. I will do one by one la. If both kaki senak perut you..and then buat dalam kiraan 10 saat. kemudian buat kaki sebelah pulak. Ulang sehingga kaki yg rasa ketat td rasa longgar. Normally I will practise before going to sleep. Else kalau lupa or ngantuk sangat, pagi bangun tido baru buat. Seriously, bila I buat bengkak tu mmg kurang. Kalau ikut my nonsense teory, darah or air yg stuck dekat buku lali tu akan circulate back to normal. lebih kurang mcm tu la pemikiran I. hehe.kalau tips dr babycentre tu dia suruh angkat kaki saje, but not 90 degrees. tp utk kesan yg mujarab naikkan kaki 90 degrees. Immediately swollen feet akan reduce. kalau payah sgt, cari dinding buat mcm gambar di bawah.

selain dr exercise di ats, pemakaian kasut yg betul juga factor yg bole mengurangkan bengkak kaki. I just found medical shoes yg membantu to ease my painful back bone and feet.
Next entry will talk about that magic shoes.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Ujian dalam perkahwinan

I've read someone comment in portal and it sound like this:

Ujian di dalam perkahwinan:

1. Mengandung

2. Suami isteri berjauhan (PJJ)

3. Anak kecil merengek, tantrum, tak tido malam, menangis 24/7

4. suami punya duit lebih atau suami kekurangan duit.

5. Orang ketiga

And satu lagi point which I forgot already.

Point 1:

Oh yes, quite challenging for me  bila tahu dah pregnant. Perasaan sekarang sgt lah sensitive terutama dengan suami. Bila suami balik lambat, dia punya heartbroken boleh tahan sendu. Sampai bole bergaduh. Ye lah, dah la kita ni loya2 mual2 mmg rasa badan tak sedap tambah pulak laki balik lambat seperti rasa terabai sesangat. That's me, ada juga my neighbour belakang rumah cerita ttg pengalaman dia pregnant asyik bergaduh aje,laki buat tu tak kena, laki buat ni tak kena..nasib baik tak kene cerai time tu.. itu kata nya lah. sekarang beliau tgh pregnant yg ke3 dan pengalaman kali ni tak seperti yg dulu2.

Point 2:

Bahaya sebenarnya apabila suami isteri berjauhan. Byk juga baca luahan perasaan dalam majalah wanita ttg isu ni yg membawa kepada penceraian. Apabila berjauhan, tanggungjawab seorang suami atau isteri sukar utk dilaksanakan menyebabkan kehidupan pasangan suami isteri tak complete. To me, I feel that kehendak batin apabila susah untuk ditunaikan merupakan salah satu punca keretakan rumah tangga. Dahla rindu, tak dapat pulak bersama. Sometimes, point number 2 ni bole membawa kepada point number 5. But I salute couples yg bertahan walau mereka PJJ. I think rahsia mereka bertahan lama adalah 'kepercayaan'.

Point 3:

Yang ni kalau pasangan tiada kerjasama atau persefahaman dlm menangani masalah anak boleh juga membawa keretakan rumahtangga. ada juga bole sampai tahap yg mendera anak kecil sbb tak tahan dengan tangisan tanpa henti. Tambah pula si bapa amik ringan dan buat tak tahu pasal anak. Semuanya di serahkan pada si ibu. Kadangkala si ibu bole jadi meroyan atau gila. selalu kan dengar kat FB baby kena baling la, kene dera la kene pukul la. Salah satu factor la juga kalau si ibu tak pandai menangani emosi pada ketika ini dan perasaan marah ini di lepaskan pada anak kecil. I hope my baby soon baik dan tak meragam la, dan sekiranya my baby menangis aje, I kene redha sbb ni semua Allah yang bagi dan minta bapa nya juga sama2 jaga. Pandai buat anak, pandai la kene jaga kan..

Point 4:

Mungkin bole dikaitkan kes Awie mungkin? bile duit laki byk, dikikisnya duit si laki dgn sehabis mungkin. kalau utk kepentingan keluarga takpe lah, ni utk kepentingan diri sendiri. handbeg mahal2 to me tak penting. Education, insurance, saving itu yg penting. Well atleast you know how to manage the fund.Nk beli handbeg mahal bole, tapi kene la seimbang dgn yang lain. jangan Nampak sgt utk kepentingan diri sendiri. Itu kalau kes isteri kikis lakinya..

Yg ni pula kes pabila si lelaki duit dah byk, bole jadi pasang no 2...haaaa...I pray that this will not happen to me. Sedih kot kalau tahu laki main kayu 3. But I always be prepared, just in case jodoh my husband ada no 2, I must redha. Ini ketentuan Ilahi. instead looking the bad, kita cuba cari kemanisan dlm bermadu mcm pasangan Ashraf muslim. Tak pun salleh Yaacob.

Kalau si laki duit takde, pun bole membawa kepada keretakan rumahtangga. Si isteri kalau tak tabah, confirm mintak cerai. Tak pun si laki ni hutang sana hutang sini, yg jadi mangsa duit si isteri..mana tahan si isteri ini. dan akhirnya si isteri angkat kaki.

Point 5:

Org ketiga ni tak tahu la siapa yg start menggatal dulu. Could be si suami / si isteri yg start dulu or the third party yg start dulu..kes seperti ini mmg byk sgt di luar sana. mcm2 jenis kes bole dgr. Dekat melodi, dekat rotikaya, beautifulnara, macam2 kes. Cuma kita ni yg dah kahwin berdoa byk2 supaya dijauhkan daripada anasir luar yg bole menggangu rumah tangga kita. I have nothing to say coz it is very common in our society. To me I must ensure my husband tak menggatal dgn perempuan lain. kadang2 tu pelik bila perempuan serang perempuan padahal laki tu sendiri yg start menggatal. I just hope my marriage keep on cherish and blossom till jannah.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

My Urine Pregnancy Test showing double lines

Alhamdullilah praise to Allah. I did pregnancy test yesterday up to 4  times morning and evening and the kit returns positive result. Is this for real?? Was the 2 lines consider me pregnant? I want to feel happy, but I refrain myself from feeling that way coz I just afraid the excitement won’t last long. I W.A my husband about the 2nd result and he kinda shocked that I re-test again when I reach home from work. He text me back that ‘ don’t be so sure until we do a check up’. Well being me who not so patience enough, I decided to go to clinic. I bring my mom to accompany me coz husband was not around.
1,2,3 doing at home, 4 testing at clinic

The result still the same, positive. But she defined it weak positive because the testing line quite fade. So I asked doc to scan me (tummy). At the screen, it showing my womb kinda thick whereas either I’m pregnant or the period is about to release.  So she asked me to do scanning in 2 weeks time. Probably during that time can see the kantung. As of now, I can’t be so happy until doc confirm that I am truly pregnant. I don’t want to wait till 2 weeks. This coming Saturday surely I'm going to bring husband to clinic to do scanning.

We’ve been married for about 5 years. My aunties and uncles very concern about us when are we going to get a baby. One of my aunty asked me to adopt a baby. My husband was ok with that idea but me, I want to try first with effort. We just discussed about adopting baby among families recently. Deep down inside me I feel hurt. I want my own baby. I want to see the junior me. How she would look see that, I want a baby girl =)

My mil and fil so far understand with our condition. They never push or asking about having kids. My mother plak, hmmm assumed me sterile. Haih.. that’s really hurt mom. That’s why I bring mom with me last night. Your daughter aren’t sterile.

Right now, how I wish I can tell the whole world that I’m pregnant. You see, a good news need to be shared.  Mil , fil, sibling, relatives must be happy knowing that I’m pregnant. At this moment, I need to keep this secret. Too bad I'm not a good secret keeper. I had told some of my colleagues that my UPT was positive.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Will there be a good news??

Today is 29th day ever since my 1st period last month. Looking at my period cycle, normally on the 30th or 31st my period is coming. The initial symptoms of period obviously there. PMS, pimples,  too sensitive - like I get piss off if nobody reply my wassap message.

Nevertheless, so long the period haven't comes, I pray that I still have hope to conceive. This is what I've gone through every months wishing that I have good news. There was a month that my cycle was 36 days and on the 31st onward, I started to do the pregnancy test daily. Sadly, the result was negative. I can't imagine how my feeling would be if the kit showing positive.

And for this month I pray that my natural way to conceive baby is granted by Allah. Otherwise, another IUI session after Puasa.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

What happened next?

Opps, I got my period on 8th May 2015. Well, I was a bit down coz the conceive part is not happening via 'manual' way. So in the afternoon I straight away called LPPKN to make an appointment. The doc assistance advised me to come on Tuesday and meet doc. I thought I just only come and get the medicine but she said I have to meet the doctor for consultation too. So ok, my appointment was set up at 8am.

Come to Monday, I have 50-50 feelings to continue or not to see doc for IUI. When I think back, I have to give fully commitment to come to the clinic where at least 3 visits. But this month, I already planned and took AL for 2 days coz I'll be going to Terengganu on 25th and 26th for personal matter. I'm afraid the date will clash with my treatment schedule just in case I need to come to the clinic for the procedure. I can't cancel my flight nor cancel my IUI procedure.  So I made decision to differ my IUI treatment to next cycle of period tentatively in June. Hence, last Monday I called back the doc's assistance to cancel the appointment.

Monday, 27 April 2015

TTC Journal 2015 update

For those who still looking for treatment to conceive a baby, you can try do it at LPPKN, Jalan Raja Laut, KL. If you want fast procedure then you can opt to have it at private hospital or private clinic. Coz maybe some of the procedures they combined in one visit. As myself, I choose to do it at LPPKN. Let me share with you guys my visit to LPPKN from the start and also the budget for every visit. I’m now at the stage waiting for any good news. Based on my x-ray result, doctor advised me to go for IUI (intrauterine insemination) treatment. The treatment started during my first day of period. On the first day period, I have to make a call to LPPKN to make an appointment. The assistance advise me to see the doc on the 4th day period to take fertility drugs. So on the 15/4/2015, after the consultation, doc gave me clomid pills for 5 days consecutive consumption and also HuMog to stimulate the ovulation. I kinda shocked when doc said this Humog is in a form of injection and I have to do it by myself at home. I’m like seriously doctor??? Well after the guidance from doc’s assistance and my first injection, it wasn’t pain at all.. I am no afraid to needle anymore.

The rules of taking clomids was that I have to take it in 5 consecutive days during my period after my dinner meal in a fixed time. Let say first night I took at 9pm, then the following nights the pills must be consumed at the same time at 9pm. Fyi, this clomid helps to stimulate my ovaries to release eggs (more eggs). Then Humog will helps to develop several mature eggs for fertalisation. Same goes to Humog, I must take it in a fixed time as well. So I took it at 9.30pm. And to prepare it, it took about 15 minutes, Fyi, unlike clomid, humog only taken 3 times in alternate days.


Once done with the drugs, I must come back again to do an ultrasound scanning. To proceed with IUI, I must have 3 matured eggs. While scanning, doc only found 1 matured egg. Unfortunately, I cannot proceed with IUI. Probably the dosage of Humog not so power to matured my eggs. So I have to ‘re-do’ again and this time around doc will provide me more dosage of humog. To ‘re-do’ again I have to wait another cycle of my period. For my case, with one matured egg, doc gave me one HucoG injection to break it and ready for impregnation with a natural way (kaedah bersama gitu). After 24 hours hucog absorb in my body, the egg is likely ready to meet the sperm. So not to miss out my subur day, doc advise us to ‘Bersamamu’ 3 hari berturut2..hihi… (hey pls read it as in knowledge term ok)

So , so , so… after the hard strive, we berserah kepada Allah semoga rezeki kami ada. And if it unsuccessful, I will meet Dr Komathi again for another session.

Below is the budget for every visit for your guidance if you wish to have a treatment at LPPKN. Please note that the costing is excluded IUI procedure. And the costing also might vary for every patient. But the estimation is around below figure.

Payment for
KPJ Kajang
HSG xray
LH/FSH, STD, Blood group
PH(Darah), STD, B.Group
Clomid, HumOG
Consult, HuCOG