Thursday 27 December 2012

Untuk bacaan orang dewasa dan yang dah berkahwin shj

And the boredom hit me today. Kat office ni very the silence. Now headcount 6 orang je.
Nak buat keje pun tak boleh..Bile email je, dapat balik email out from office.

I'm bored. So I write.

Been 2 years married. We are now ready for  lil junior come into our life..
Met gyne today. I was diagnosed PCOS rupanya.
At first my big concern was fibroid or cyst. Alhamdulillah..none of that exist inside me.

So td buat pap smear. She asked me to take off my panties...Aww..malunye..

"Malu la doctor.....Doctor tak malu ke tgk saya punye?" hahaha...Accidently came out frm my mouth..

Doc jawab" Taklah, hari hari saya buat, dah biasa dah"  =)

Everything ok. Alhamdulillah.. Then buat scan. Scan bwh perut tak nampak apa apa pun..., sbb bladder tak penuh.tak nampak ape pun. Then doc advise kite buat scan ikut bawah.....Aduh! Sakit lagi..sbb mase buat pap smear tu mcm sakit sikit. Tapi scan ni tak sakit pun...

Yay...i dapat tengok my own ovari...ada 3 telur and salah satunye tgh matang lagi uol...diameter 18mm. Doc ckp ni dah ok ni..Dinding rahim pun agak tebal. Kalu tebal maksudnye senang telur yg telah disenyawa tu nak lekat. Since I ni PCOS. telur yg matang tu susah nak pecah..doc advise kite pecahkan telur tu...Doc bagi jab yg bole memecahkan telur tersebut...wehuuu...canggih betul dunia sekarang.

" So mlm ni u kene tetttttttttttttt  dengan husband u ok"....kikikiki...
"Kite cube dulu dengan kaedah ni, kalau tak jadi kite gune cara lain. next month u dtg lagi"

Anyway, kalau Allah nak bagi rezeki baby, mungkin hari ni, mungkin esok, mungkin bulan depan or mungkin 5 tahun akan datang...yg penting usaha dan tawakal....

So lepas jumpe doc tu called husband...ckp ckp ckp...before hang up..he wishes me good luck..heh?...
Apa apa la husband.....

** For fertality jab tu I kene charge RM70. yg tu my company tak cover.



  1. kite serupa alhamdulillah sy dpt twin walaupn satu xmtg tp mjadi..Dr pecahkn telur dgn injit kt bontot..

    1. alhamdulillah...dapat twin lagi..
      seronoknye dngar u punye menjadi..
      Hopefully I pun menjadi jugak mcm u...hehe
      oh ya...samalah, nurse dia yg tolong injitkan kat montot..

  2. walaupun tak kahwin lagi, tapi gatal2 nak baca,... ouuchhh! >.<

  3. hehe...notty eh baca...
    sokay..bole buat reference...anyway, if you ada symptom mcm acne ke, hairy faces ke, and overweight, then you might be pcos patient. bile google about pcos ni, dia akan ckp mostly pcos start during teenager lagi. tp kita tak sedar. only realize bile we plan nak anak...

  4. I did the whole fertility investigation for about 6 months. Ni sbb I've to skip 3 times kot for my cycle, sbb everytime falls time Hari Raya AidilFitri la, Raya Haji la, holiday trip la and etc. Completed the whole thing last Nov'12. Did the ultrasound to check on the cyst, fibroid, HSG, sperm count, hormones level and etc. All completed and we're finally diagnosed as inexplained infertility. Dengan erti kata lain kata the specialist, belum rezeki. Have to double up the effort.

    *Btw, that injection tue is the Ovidrel injection kan? Dia inject on your fat. Did that once when i did my first IUI last month. :D

    1. Ultrasound tu mcm mane?
      Doc buat tak mcm i nya case, a scanner device tu masuk ikut bawah kite punye tu? yg tu confirm dpt tgk ovari kite. Well, kite dah usahakan..kalu Allah ckp 5 tahun lagi, 5tahun la kene tunggu. =)

      *so mcm mane? bulan ni ada simptom2 tak? muntah2 ke?hehe

  5. Unfortunately, our first trial didn't work. Yeap, yg tue nak tgk dinding rahim punya thickness and how many numbers of egg yg ada.

    My worst experience is definitely HSG kot. Cuak gile! Padahal takder aper2 pun. Yg tue nak tgk whether yg tube ada blockage ke tak. They inject a liquid through vagina by installing a speculum underneath. Then, dia akan scan our lower abdomen to see the liquid punya flow.

  6. hi...boley x sy tau kt mana nk wt ye? tq..

    1. Salam Madihah,
      Sy jumpe doctor di Hospital Az zahra Bangi.
      Doc yang sy jumpe Dr Mashitah. Kene buat appointment dulu tau kalu nk buat treatment. =) Good Luck
